Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men, flattening and enhancing the chest contours. In severe cases of gynecomastia, the weight of excess breast tissue may cause the breasts to sag and stretch the areola (the dark skin surrounding the nipple). In these cases, the position and size of the areola can be surgically improved and excess skin may be reduced. Plastic surgery to correct gynecomastia is technically called reduction mammaplasty.
You are a good candidate for Gynecomastia surgery if
- Men whose condition cannot be corrected through alternative medical treatments
- Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
- Nonsmokers and non-drug users
- Men who are physically healthy and of relatively normal weight
- Men whose breast development has stabilized
- Men who are bothered by the feeling that their breasts are too large
During your gynecomastia surgery consultation be prepared that your surgeon will:
- Evaluate your general health status and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
- Perform diagnostic testing to determine the underlying cause of gynecomastia; this may include testing of your endocrine function
- Examine your breasts and may take detailed measurements of their size and shape, skin quality and placement of your nipples and areolas
- US breast is mandatory before surgery
- Take photographs for your medical records
- Recommend a course of treatment
Correction of enlarged male breasts is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia. If excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of the breast enlargement, it will be excised. If your gynecomastia consists primarily of excessive fatty tissue, your surgeon will likely use liposuction to remove the excess fat.ultrasoniclipo with J plasma Renuvion can help for the vthithning of the skinIn extreme cases where large amounts of fat or glandular tissue have been removed, skin may not adjust well to the new smaller breast contour. In these cases, excess skin may have to be removed. Complications are infrequent and usually minor and always under control. These include infection and pigment changes in the breast area. Should be changed in riscks this paragraph
Is it Safe?
The decision to have plastic surgery is extremely personal, and you will have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications of gynecomastia surgery are acceptable.
Gynecomastia surgery risks include:
- Bleeding (hematoma)
- Blood clots
- Breast asymmetry
- Breast contour and shape irregularities
- Changes in nipple or breast sensation may be temporary or permanent
- Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
- Fatty tissue found in the breast might die (fat necrosis)
- Fluid accumulation (seroma)
- Infection
- Persistent pain
- Poor wound healing
- Possibility of revision surgery
Is it painful?
Gynecomastia surgery typically has a relatively gentle recovery period. You may feel sore during the first three days of at-home rest, but pain is usually minimal. Most men who use medication to improve their overall comfort find that over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient.
Immediately following your procedure, you’ll be bandaged and given a compression garment to help minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as you heal. Depending on the extent of your procedure, you may also have a surgical drain to facilitate the removal of excess blood and fluid. Gynecomastia surgery typically has a relatively gentle recovery period. You may feel sore during the first three days of at-home rest, but pain is usually minimal.
Most men who use medication to improve their overall comfort find that over-the-counter pain relievers are sufficient. While some men do experience a temporary loss of sensation in the treated area, in most cases, full sensation is gradually restored over the course of a few weeks or months.
Gynecomastia surgery results are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve, and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover from surgery. The final results of your gynecomastia surgery may take 3-6 months to achieve. Incision lines are permanent but will continue to fade over time.
All gynecomastia surgery scars are permanent, even though some scars may be concealed in the natural contours of the breast. Your improved upper body will likely enhance your self-image and confidence, whether in a shirt and tie, a t-shirt or baring your chest at the beach.
Things to keep in mind
Will Gynecomastia surgery results will last forever?
For the vast majority of patients, Gynecomastia surgery results are permanent. Certain procedures may require touch-ups over time, but unless you experience excessive weight gain, you can be confident that this is a once-in-a-lifetime procedure.